Trish Steed (formerly McFarlane)


Who's That Girl?

These posts all originally appeared on Trish's personal blog


Announcing the HR Happy Hour Podcast Network!

Today is a big day for H3 HR Advisors, and specifically, for the HR Happy Hour podcast.  Steve Boese, my...

3 Critical Elements of Teamwork

"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision.  The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives....

Pulling Back the Curtain on Bloggers

What is a blogger?  I have my own working definition in my head that I can spout off when someone...

Scene Makers in 2010: Tell Me Yours

I was listening to the radio the other day and the hosts were talking about the new movie Black Swan....

PHR Study Resources- Rock the PHR

It's the time of year when HR professionals are preparing for their PHR and SPHR exams.  One resource I've supported...

Remember the Lid

I was walking through the store a few days ago and this sign caught my eye. It was on a...

When Teamwork Really Happens

Crimson Studios 2007
"Coming together is a beginning.  Keeping together is progress.  Working together is success." ~Henry Ford "Talent wins games, but teamwork...

Coaching: Rules of Engagement

picture from
(Originally posted in May 2009) As I wrote Part One of my coaching post (Creating A Coaching Culture), I said...

HR Happy Hour- Episode 6 ***Revised Date***

**Revised Date***  Will be next Friday, July 31st.  This should give everyone time to check out the HRevolution online. It's...

Collaboration- What We Can Learn From Michael Jackson

Picture by Dodgerchick
Last week was a bad week.  First, a beloved icon (and Angel) Farrah Fawcett passed.  I was still reeling from...

Welcoming the New Kid on the Block

Just a short post this morning to welcome a new blogger to the HR world. Be sure to check out...

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How we can help

Led by Trish Steed and Steve Boese, H3 HR Advisors harnesses over 40 years of experience to delivery HCM insights and guidance to global organizations.

Advisory services

By leveraging technology, analytics, and our deep industry knowledge we can help you to reposition your workforce and ensure that you have the right people with the right capabilities in the right roles to positively impact the growth of your business. 

HR Happy Hour Podcast Network

Created in 2009, The HR Happy Hour Show is hosted by Steve Boese and Trish Steed and is the longest continuously running internet radio show and podcast on Human Resources, HR Technology, Talent Practices, Workplace and Leadership topics. 

Speaking Services

We work closely with every client to customize your content - keynotes, webinars, research, infographics, and buyer’s guides - to inspire, educate and inform the audience enabling you to reset and realign your organization for a talent-led breakthrough.

Get in touch

Talk to us today and find out how we can help you and your organization leverage HCM technology to attract, onboard, retain and manage top talent.