Who's That Girl?

These posts all originally appeared on Trish's personal blog TrishMcFarlane.com.


Yo Adrian! Lessons From Rocky Balboa

I was talking with someone yesterday about crazy things you can be passionate about.  I don't know if this qualifies...

Where We Come From- Stories of Our Lives

Dad with Trish
I read a post that made me think.  It is 'Every Person Tells A Story' by Mike VanDervort over at...

Wave Goodbye To HR Owning Talent: 3 Ways To Empower Leaders

Do you ever have those moments where someone says something and immediately you KNOW it is important and will stick...

Voice Mail Etiquette

I was not going to post today but sometimes I think my blog is a good place to admit some...

Am I Vintage?

2010-04-11 12.18.20
The other day my little girl came downstairs wearing her new t-shirt.  She said, “Mommy, am I vintage?”  I looked...

Shout Out To New Social Media Users

Ok, one of the great things about having my own blog is I can write what I want, when I...

Strategies For Overcoming Feeling Overwhelmed

HR professionals wear many hats. When you work in HR, the moment you take off one hat, another one pops...

You Say It’s Your Birthday?

Well, it's not REALLY my birthday.  Technically it's an anniversary but to me, it's the day I am celebrating my...

Transactional HR Is Not A Four Letter Word

Mike Haberman, SPHR
I had a great conversation this week with Mike Haberman of ‘HR Observations’.  Mike is the cofounder of Omega HR...

Job Shadowing: Your Passport To Success

How did you decide on the career you pursued?  Did you know someone who had the job?  Did you see...

Mobile Technologies You’ll Want

Layar App for Android and iPhone
One of the best parts of attending unconferences is that you not only meet intelligent professionals, but you get the...

NCAA Championship: Top 10 Work Productivity Drains

March Madness. Whether you are a basketball fan or not, this time of year means one thing:  NCAA Tournament watching...

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Led by Trish Steed and Steve Boese, H3 HR Advisors harnesses over 40 years of experience to delivery HCM insights and guidance to global organizations.

Advisory services

By leveraging technology, analytics, and our deep industry knowledge we can help you to reposition your workforce and ensure that you have the right people with the right capabilities in the right roles to positively impact the growth of your business. 

HR Happy Hour Podcast Network

Created in 2009, The HR Happy Hour Show is hosted by Steve Boese and Trish Steed and is the longest continuously running internet radio show and podcast on Human Resources, HR Technology, Talent Practices, Workplace and Leadership topics. 

Speaking Services

We work closely with every client to customize your content - keynotes, webinars, research, infographics, and buyer’s guides - to inspire, educate and inform the audience enabling you to reset and realign your organization for a talent-led breakthrough.

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