Who's That Girl?

These posts all originally appeared on Trish's personal blog TrishMcFarlane.com.


TLNT Podcast: Giving Feedback To The C-Suite

I recently wrote about techniques I use to give feedback to the C-suite.  That prompted the offer to do a...

Wreck This Journal: It’s Hard To Be A Rule Breaker

Do you ever get sidetracked while doing something and it turns into something better than you expected?  I do it...

Inspired By The Stars

One of my favorite things to do is learn about science.  I read about it, watch shows about it and...

Tim Sackett: Most Powerful Man in HR or International Man of Mystery?

Queen of HR & the Most Powerful Man in HR

Sackett makes time for adoring fans

Today I have the opportunity to share an interview with...

Self-Development Can Lower Economic Anxiety

*Today's post is sponsored by PeopleClues.  PeopleClues provides cutting edge behavioral assessments for business use.  The PeopleClues line of assessments...

We Are The Waltons

I spent most of my Labor Day with windows thrown wide open, sun and breeze streaming in on all the...

Developing Your Online Blueprint in 6 Easy Steps

I had the opportunity to represent PeopleClues at the recent Talent Net Live event in Plano, TX. Talent Net Live...

Twitter and My “Almost Cousin”

Dwane & Trish- I talk, he listens.
Chemistry. You know it when you feel it with another person.  You sense the immediate connection and feel like you...

Top 10 Reasons To Love HR

I love HR
Like any good HR blogger, I read other HR blogs.  One I love to follow is Welcome To The Occupation...

Magnetism and Talent: The Physics of Recruiting

silver and gold round coins
Physics has always fascinated me. I've never been labeled a brainiac, but I certainly have enjoyed learning and studying many...

Manager Tip: Connections Lead to Engagement

Picture the scene: You're the HR manager at company XYZ.  An employee calls to schedule time to speak with you about...

Creating Positive Customer Impressions

Have you ever heard that we form our impression of a person within the first few minutes of meeting them?...

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How we can help

Led by Trish Steed and Steve Boese, H3 HR Advisors harnesses over 40 years of experience to delivery HCM insights and guidance to global organizations.

Advisory services

By leveraging technology, analytics, and our deep industry knowledge we can help you to reposition your workforce and ensure that you have the right people with the right capabilities in the right roles to positively impact the growth of your business. 

HR Happy Hour Podcast Network

Created in 2009, The HR Happy Hour Show is hosted by Steve Boese and Trish Steed and is the longest continuously running internet radio show and podcast on Human Resources, HR Technology, Talent Practices, Workplace and Leadership topics. 

Speaking Services

We work closely with every client to customize your content - keynotes, webinars, research, infographics, and buyer’s guides - to inspire, educate and inform the audience enabling you to reset and realign your organization for a talent-led breakthrough.

Get in touch

Talk to us today and find out how we can help you and your organization leverage HCM technology to attract, onboard, retain and manage top talent.