Who's That Girl?

These posts all originally appeared on Trish's personal blog TrishMcFarlane.com.


5 Strategies To Coach “Institutionalized” Employees

~ He's just institutionalized...The man's been in here fifty years, Heywood, fifty years. This is all he knows. In here,...

Using The 5 Love Languages for Business

It's almost Valentine's Day, so I thought I'd share a little resource for work that has a touch of LOVE...

The Chemistry of Employee Retention and Engagement

In the January 2013 issue of Go Magazine, I read an article by Helen Fisher that caught my attention.  Ms. Fisher, author...

An Apology Letter To Your Staff

It's a new year, 2013, and as you look in the rear-view mirror on last year, what does it reflect?  What kind...

Pinterest and Employee Communication

Tone of voice
So how is employee communication working for you?  Does your organization have it all figured out?  My guess is that...

Halloween: To Dress Up Or Not To Dress Up

To dress up or not to dress up, that is the question... Today is Halloween and thousands of employees are...

Managing others is about…..YOU

Too often in my career I have the discussion with a manager that starts off, "Trish, my employee won't listen...

Finding The Rhythm of Work

*Sharing a post from the archives... I was on my way to work and thinking about how I get some...

It Takes Top HR Talent to Recruit and Manage the Best Talent

(Editor’s Note: Today’s post is the third in a series being sponsored by Allied Van Lines, one of the world’s largest...

Using Social Media: Strengthen Your Employer Brand with FourSquare

A few weeks ago I started a series called 10 Easy Ways to Build Social Media Into Your HR Practice.  Since...

Retention By The Numbers: How Does Your Company Measure Up?

(Editor’s Note: Today’s post is the second in a series being sponsored by Allied Van Lines, one of the world’s largest...

The Burning Platform- How To Identify Truly Important Projects

As a leader, do you struggle to keep your team on track or are you able to guide them in...

You are filtering by: Employee Engagement

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How we can help

Led by Trish Steed and Steve Boese, H3 HR Advisors harnesses over 40 years of experience to delivery HCM insights and guidance to global organizations.

Advisory services

By leveraging technology, analytics, and our deep industry knowledge we can help you to reposition your workforce and ensure that you have the right people with the right capabilities in the right roles to positively impact the growth of your business. 

HR Happy Hour Podcast Network

Created in 2009, The HR Happy Hour Show is hosted by Steve Boese and Trish Steed and is the longest continuously running internet radio show and podcast on Human Resources, HR Technology, Talent Practices, Workplace and Leadership topics. 

Speaking Services

We work closely with every client to customize your content - keynotes, webinars, research, infographics, and buyer’s guides - to inspire, educate and inform the audience enabling you to reset and realign your organization for a talent-led breakthrough.

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