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Top 5 Blog Posts: Recommended Reading
Originally posted: December 7, 2011 on TrishMcFarlane.com
Occasionally other commitments get in the way of writing as much as I’d like to on my blog. Whether it’s my day job, family commitments, travel or other projects, I am constantly grabbing scraps of paper to write down ideas for this site. While I have many in various stages of completion, none were quite ready for “prime time” today.
Instead, I thought I’d hightlight several other writers who have recent articles I’ve enjoyed. I hope you’ll click through and give them a read and leave some feedback. They are people like you and I, people who like to contribute to the HR and Recruiting profession and who are passionate about sharing with you. Enjoy!
- Sirona Says: How to Add the Social Recruiting Layer Across Your Recruitment Process
- Welcome to the Occupation: TNL and Alternative Life Styles
- Steve Boese: When the Roomba Grows Up
- HR Fishbowl: TNL “Cover it Live” and Building Social Influence (a panel I was on)
- Stillman Says: Tattoo Placement and Re0imagining the Body (Guest post by Shauna Moerke)

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