Who's that Girl?

The George Bailey Effect
Originally posted: December 28, 2009 on TrishMcFarlane.com
Have you seen the movie ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’? It’s one of my favorites this time of year. For those who may not have seen the movie before, it’s the story of George Bailey. George has a series of mishaps that bring him to the brink of taking his own life by jumping off a bridge. But, before he can end it all, he is visited by an angel in training. This angel shows George what life in Bedford Falls would be like if he had never existed. George learns that so many lives would not be the same if he had never been born. The whole town would be different and not for the better.
This movie got me thinking. What if….
What if I hadn’t started a blog? Who would I have never met? What would I have never learned and experienced in 2009? What would be different in the lives of those mine touch?
What if I hadn’t started my blog?
Well, I certainly would not be a better writer. I have worked hard this year not only telling stories, but really working to improve my writing skills. I would also not have found a way to use my voice to share ideas and collaborate on a topic I am very passionate about. I guess I would be getting a lot more sleep since blogging either keeps me up late at night or I set my alarm very early so I can write. I am certain I would not feel as fulfilled as I do now.
Who would I have never met?
So many wonderfully talented professionals! I cannot begin to list all of the great friends I’ve made this year. I know if I try I would certainly forget to mention someone, so let’s just say that I have met so many people in HR, HR technology, leadership, and business that I am truly grateful for the connections.
What would I have never learned and experienced?
2009 brought so many great learning experiences and opportunities. From HRevolution and meeting so many of my Twitter friends to trips to Washington DC, Chicago, Orlando, and New York City to learn, speak, and connect. What I’ve loved the most is that without all these experiences I would not be a better HR professional. I’ve been exposed to many new ideas about the future of HR. I’ve also heard about best practices from many of the leaders in our profession.
What would be different in the lives of the people that my life touches?
That’s not something I can answer. Only you can know that answer. I’d love to hear comments on that question, or what would be different in your life if you had not become involved in social media.

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Created in 2009, The HR Happy Hour Show is hosted by Steve Boese and Trish Steed and is the longest continuously running internet radio show and podcast on Human Resources, HR Technology, Talent Practices, Workplace and Leadership topics.
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