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Should Your Workstation Be Luxurious?
Originally posted: April 28, 2014 on TrishMcFarlane.com
Earlier this year I started working from a home office. While I’ve worked from home a day here or a day there, I’ve never had a role that was 100% from a home office. One of the first things I did was set up a desk stocked with all the supplies I needed. I then added a couple new paintings for inspiration in addition to some fun desk accessories I surely consider splurges. The last purchase was an office chair that was comfortable and attractive. In the end, it turned out more effective and comfortable than any workspace an employer has provided.
I wondered if I would be tempted to work from my living room couch but to my surprise, the new home office was just what I needed to be able to have a highly-focused workday. I find myself hating to leave it. Now that it has been a few months, I am already thinking of ways to improve the space. I came across this article 14 Stylish and Luxurious Workstations. If you’re in the market for some cutting-edge workspace, be sure to check it out. There are some creative and futuristic ideas. Personally, I like the one below although I don’t know how long I could work sitting in that chair. Which one do you see yourself most likely to use?

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