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Recruiterbox and the Facets of a Robust Recruiting Strategy
Originally posted: January 27, 2016 on TrishMcFarlane.com
When it comes to recruiting candidates, there is no shortage of advice or recommended tools. As someone who doesn’t jump on every trend, I tend to watch the market and analyze how things are shaping up before I weigh in. Each year, I evaluate countless tools and technologies in the Talent Acquisition space. I recently came across one tool that stands out and deserves your attention. Why? Because it addresses many of the tenants of recruiting that I hold dear as a former practitioner:
- Business needs
- Organizational culture
- Finding the most qualified employees
- Solid understanding of budget and the actual cost of hire
These facets are widely accepted as some of the most important when determining your talent acquisition strategy. With many organizations now spending time and money on specifically creating world-class recruitment strategies, they are putting a lot of thought into each facet. In terms of business needs, organizations used to open a ton of positions just because someone left the company. Today, there is much more mindful consideration regarding whether or not there is a true business need for a specific role. Organizational leaders have found that spending the time to rethink and reevaluate a specific role’s requirements often leads to different and better candidates.
With regard to the organizational culture, this is now something that is a major aspect of planning and hiring. Organizations think about how their employer brand impacts their ability to attract better, more qualified candidates who will outperform their predecessors. Lastly, having a solid understanding of budgets and how the cost-per-hire changes from industry to industry (and position to position) has a major impact on hiring. As leaders have become more educated, so have their hiring decisions. With that in mind, savvy leaders are looking for tools to help support their focused talent acquisition strategies.
Recruiterbox is one tool that can help incorporate those facets into your own strategy. What is Recruiterbox? It is a type of recruitment software that simplifies and optimizes your hiring process. You can post job openings, manage candidates, collaborate with colleagues, and use data to help you make an informed decision – all in one place. And the brains behind this software even provide advice on how to improve your hiring process, too. Just check out this video they created on the cost of a bad hire.
Having tools and solutions that help make your recruitment process a winning one is, well, worth your time and money. I encourage you to check out Recruiterbox to see how this software can help transform your talent acquisition process.

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