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Perks and Upgrades: Why Occasionally Spending More Makes Sense
Originally posted: September 1, 2015 on TrishMcFarlane.com
I read an article that said that the Datsun B-210 was voted one of the ugliest cars of all time. Now, just looking at the picture, it would be hard to argue that it is not one of the ugliest cars. I’m not sure why they have it pictured with a train, because it certainly was not faster than a train- not even close. And the color choice? That 1978 burn orange is really attractive, if you’re into pumpkins.
I know it wasn’t the most attractive car of all time. But, it certainly had its good points. My dad actually owned a car just like the one pictured. It was small and had no frills. No air, no power anything. It did come with an AM radio, but that was all. I’m sure he bought it just to get to and from work. He was a plant manager at a zinc refinery so it was definitely not a place you would want to take a nice car. The chemicals from the plant ruined the paint on every car in the lot. The reason I had the pleasure of riding in the car was that my dad thought it would be the perfect fuel-efficient mode of transportation one summer to travel from St. Louis to St. Petersburg Beach, FL. That had to be about the longest, hottest, 21 hours in a car I can say I have ever had. But, it got us to our destination and back home again.
We only kept that car for about two years. Sure, it was practical at the time, but with a growing family it just didn’t make sense. And based on the amount of time spent in the car, my parents realized that they needed a few perks and upgrades.
Really, the car is symbolic of choices each of us make every day. In human resources, are we no different. The economy is bad. Is your company in the market for new HR technology? A new recruiting tool? Do you need help from a consultant? I know the tendency is to shy away from spending. But, that is only good in the short term. If you buy the “practical but cheap” technology, you can bet you’ll be sorry in a year or two. The economy will rebound. Your business will grow. Then, you’ll be back at square one and having to pay much more than if you negotiate today.
Some people will disagree, but I feel strongly about this. Invest NOW in your company. The time is right, the pricing is right. Think about your next five to ten years, not just about today.
What do you think? Is your company keeping spending on hold? Are they spending but buying the practical or cheaper technology? Or, are they visionaries who are taking a little risk and investing in the company’s future? I’d love to hear in the comments.

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