Who's That Girl?

These posts all originally appeared on Trish's personal blog TrishMcFarlane.com.


I Am Not A Cheerleader- Well, Maybe I Am!

I am not a cheerleader. Well, I actually was as a young girl but I quickly determined that I am...

9 Tips For Better Vendor Demos

If you've worked in the business world for any length of time, no doubt you've experienced sitting through vendor demos...

Defining Work: What Does It Mean To You?

Several months ago I went though a life-altering experience.  I joined a group of eleven other business people on a...


No thoughts of grandeur this morning.  Just a simple reminder. CONNECT I had dinner last night with four HR professionals...

Employee Brands Are The Unique Fingerprints of Corporate Brands

Personal brand.  Employer brand. These phrases are commonly heard today. I am not a branding expert, guru, or maven.  I...

Big Trends in HR and Recruiting: Thinking Outside the (In)Box

Florida?  August?  That can only mean one thing... HR Florida! As in past years, this conference does not disappoint.  From...

Pulling Back the Curtain on Bloggers

What is a blogger?  I have my own working definition in my head that I can spout off when someone...

The Secret? Surround Yourself By Greatness

Simple messages often resonate longer and louder.  I heard one this week that is doing just that. Tuesday had been...

Life Logging Your Organization: The Value of Performance Reviews

As a career HR practitioner, I have been involved with many types of performance evaluations.  I've worked at companies where...

You Are Replaceable- And Maybe By The “Beaner Slinger”

From the Daily Nebraskan News
You go to work every day.  You're dedicated, right?  Passionate about what you do?  Give it your all nearly every...

Throw Out HR Terminology

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet." Romeo and...

I Wish I Knew You When…

I wish I knew you when you were young and carefree. With long legs and arms flailing.  I wish I...

How we can help

Led by Trish Steed and Steve Boese, H3 HR Advisors harnesses over 40 years of experience to delivery HCM insights and guidance to global organizations.

Advisory services

By leveraging technology, analytics, and our deep industry knowledge we can help you to reposition your workforce and ensure that you have the right people with the right capabilities in the right roles to positively impact the growth of your business. 

HR Happy Hour Podcast Network

Created in 2009, The HR Happy Hour Show is hosted by Steve Boese and Trish Steed and is the longest continuously running internet radio show and podcast on Human Resources, HR Technology, Talent Practices, Workplace and Leadership topics. 

Speaking Services

We work closely with every client to customize your content - keynotes, webinars, research, infographics, and buyer’s guides - to inspire, educate and inform the audience enabling you to reset and realign your organization for a talent-led breakthrough.

Get in touch

Talk to us today and find out how we can help you and your organization leverage HCM technology to attract, onboard, retain and manage top talent.