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I’m Creating A Life Plan
Originally posted: April 28, 2011 on TrishMcFarlane.com
I’m making preparations to create my Life Plan.
What is a life plan? Well, before I get to that, I want to share a story. I recently had the opportunity to spend time with Jen McClure in New York City. We were both there attending a conference and while we’ve met before and seen each other many times, this was our first opportunity to spend time alone and really get to know each other better. If you don’t know Jen, she is a speaker, recruiter and consultant extraordinaire. Be sure to check out her work at Unbridled Talent.
Jen and I had some laughs through dinner and then our conversation turned more serious. We shared some of our hopes, our goals, and even our fears. I don’t open up to people often about those things, so it was a great feeling to have someone that was interested and willing to help me sort through some decisions. Maybe you’ve had those moments where you’re at the fork in the road and unsure of which path to take. Well, Jen provided both a listening ear and some brilliant coaching. I’m hoping I provided the same for her.
The Life Plan
One tool we discussed was a Life Plan. Michael Hyatt offers this on his website as a free e-book you can download. It is an instructional template to help you examine your innermost thoughts regarding all aspects of your life. It helps you prioritize them and be honest with yourself about what is really important and which aspects you can change or eliminate. I got back to my hotel and immediately downloaded the tool. I’ve read it several times now and believe I’m almost ready to begin this new journey.
I’m beginning to understand that it’s important to have a plan. We do this as leaders at work every day. We spend time thinking about the business goals and how to reach them. We consider all the pieces that factor into our business plan being a success. But, in life, it’s rare we do this in any coordinated way. So, today, I begin my plan. It’s not an agreement I plan to enter into lightly with myself. And, I know it will take me a week or more to create and get it “right” in my eyes. But, I’m excited to be taking a holistic look at my life and priorities.
Do you need a Life Plan? I’d be interested in hearing from you if you plan to create one. It would be great to have a group of people who do so that we can all be an encouraging resource to each other. Let me know in the comments.

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