Who's that Girl?

I’m Bringing My Preschool Attitude To Work
Originally posted: April 15, 2009 on TrishMcFarlane.com
Times are tough everywhere- that’s not even news anymore. Companies are thinking more about cost saving measures and how to save jobs and avoid layoffs. There is less and less money available to recognize employees. Because of this, leaders are trying to find creative ways to reward employees and increase motivation.
I, too, have been coming to work and trying to keep a positive attitude. Trying to motivate myself. Trying not to worry that each day may be my last in my role at a job I love. It’s an ongoing challenge. Today, I was dropping my five year old twins off at preschool when it hit me. I NEED TO BRING A PRESCHOOL ATTITUDE TO WORK. Let me explain.
Each day when my kids arrive at school, they are greeted by their peers with hugs and squeals of delight. It’s “I’m SO happy you’re here”, and “Good morning! I’ve been waiting for you.” This is accompanied by hugs all around. The parents and I just smile and feel good that we’re leaving our kids at a place they enjoy coming to.
So, this happened again this morning. That’s when I thought, I’m going to do this at work today. Let me tell you, I work in a human resource department that is quite conservative. We have our fun, but it is typically a quiet work environment where people tend to stay in their offices.
Well, I walked in and the first person through my office door was my administrative assistant. She said her typical good morning. I responded with a VERY warm good morning. I then asked if I could hug her. She looked at me oddly, but agreed. As I hugged her, I told her I was really glad I work with her. You should have seen the smile on her face.
I didn’t stop there. I walked to the office next door and hugged two more colleagues. I sincerely told them that I enjoy working with them. I headed toward our kitchen. Again, each colleague I encountered, I hugged or patted on the arm and told them how much I enjoy working with them. I continued this throughout the day.
I had a few colleagues come by and request a 2nd and 3rd hug throughout the day. I had one colleague tell me that I hugged her right before an important meeting she was not looking forward to and that my hug made a difference in her attitude so her meeting went well.
I know it’s not much of a scientific experiment, but look at the impact even one person can have on employee morale in an office.
So, I challenge anyone reading this blog to bring YOUR preschool attitude to work and see how much better your day is.
More soon….

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